All about Cacao Betulia and our Hacienda.

Salon du Chocolate 2019
International Chocolate Awards 2019: Cacao Betulia wins 3 x Bronze, 1 x Silver. A stunning success one year, after our first chocolate bar was created.
International Chocolate Awards 2019
International Chocolate Awards 2019: Cacao Betulia wins 3 x Bronze, 1 x Silver. A stunning success one year, after our first chocolate bar was created.
New Betulia trees, new Betulia Varieties.
These are the pods of new potential threes, from which we plan to select the future Cacao Betulia varieties. We selected them with the great help and intuition of Zoi from ZOTO.
Our Innovation: Cacao Pod Husk Recycling
One of the innovations at Hacienda Betulia is the cacao pod husk recycling. That’s how we achieve a sustainable organic Cacao Betulia!
Hacienda Betulia is the most innovative farm in Colombia
Hacienda Betulia was awarded as the most innovative cacao farm from whole Colombia by Fedecacao. Viva Betulia!
2018 harvest has arrived in Amsterdam
Finally! After many months waiting our Cacao Betulia arrived in Amsterdam and is now in the storage facility for further shipment to Premium Chocolate creators in Europe.
Ein überwältigend guter Test unserer Schokoladen.
Für den “Schokoladen-Jäger” gehören unsere Schokoladen zu den Besten der Welt. Betulia B9 Tree-to-Bar konnte sich sofort den Spitzenplatz in seinem Ranking erobern.
TV Reportage: Ein Schweizer in Kolumbien
TeleZüri: Ein Schweizer in Kolumbien – Leben in zwei Welten. Eine TV-Reportage über Hacienda Betulia und den Gründer Christian Vélez.
He comes out at night: Ant-Eater at Hacienda Betulia
At nightfall countless animals come to life at the Hacienda – among them, a nice Ant-Eater. Qué maravilla …
The History of Cacao: From the Maya to Spain to the World
Video Mini Documentary Series: Portal to Ascension uncovers the mystery and history of the Cacao bean. From how it was cultivated, its early usage to its journey around the world.
Baby Criollos
Summer 2018: The next generation of Betulia Criollo Cacao is on it´s way.
Shipping Our Harvest
This year´s Criollo de Betulia harvest: Nearly ready for shipping to one of the most exclusive chocolate makers in the world.
Great tasting test of our 3 “Betulias”
A great evaluation test, including sensory diagrams by the consultancy company ZOTO – specialized in cocoa-related projects. The results are stunning.
Making Chocolate: Cacao Tree To Chocolate Bar
A quick video on making chocolate homemade from scratch. A Youtube video, showing the cacao tree, cacao pods, fermented beans, nibs and the final process in making chocolate. Tree-to-bar!
Autumn 2017: Impressions from our Criollo Harvest Time.
Snapshots from the autumn harvest of our Colombian Betulia Criollo. The fine flavour Cacao beans will travel soon to an European Premium chocolate brand.